, Jakarta - The concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is carried out to synergize spatial order to accommodate new growth by strengthening the living environment. The plan is also to be realized at the National Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan based on smart cities. The ATR / BPN Ministry conducts an integrated development of land assets using the Government Cooperation Agency (PPP) scheme and designs a TOD Oriented Development zone master plan. The ATR / BPN Ministry... | SURABAYA - Chairman of the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) of East Java Province Arumi Emil Elestianto Dardak hopes that East Java Fair will be able to bring together Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) entrepreneurs with foreign buyers. "So, the hope is that the East Java Fair can bring together MSMEs with potential buyers, especially from abroad, "said Arumi Emil Dardak. "So it is hoped that things like this will help and become part of... | SIDOARJO - Housing developer CitraHarmoni continues to add facilities at Harmoni Food Festival (HFF). The addition of this facility could encourage increased sales of housing units that they are currently developing. Associate Director of PT Ciputra Development Tbk, the parent of CitraHarmoni developer, Andy Soegihardjo, said the presence of public facilities in housing at this time, has become one of the reasons consumers in buying units in housing. According to him, it was seen...
Ray White Indonesia kembali mendapatkan penghargaan Top Brand Award untuk tahun 2019. Penghargaan ini melengkapi penghargaan Top Brand yang sebelumnya telah diterima Ray White Indonesia selama tidak tanggung-tanggung, 7 tahun beturut-turut, sejak tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2019. Ini merupakan salah satu pencapaian besar Ray White yaitu tercapainya brand Ray White sebagai household name di Indonesia dimana term real estate sinonim dengan brand Ray...