Who said branded goods are always expensive? December 6-8 December 2019 Ray White Bukit Darmo Golf held an exhibition of branded goods at the Graha Family Block R-91 Housing, East Java, Surabaya. The exhibition, themed Christmas Dreams Come True, runs from 10:00 am - 17:00 pm. In this Open House, Ray White Bukit Darmo Golf wants to give a different experience by holding an exhibition of branded goods. Therefore, not only see the Open House but also be spoiled b...
Human Rights are the basic rights possessed by every human person as a gift from God brought from birth. No one can take someone's rights. The history of international human rights was commemorated for the first time in 1948. The commemoration date was decided at the UN General Assembly and was celebrated by many countries, including Indonesia. The UN General Council declared the Universal Declaration of Human Right. Located at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris, the declaration contains rig...
Surabaya - The weather in Surabaya and its surroundings these past few days has been very hot. Not only in the afternoon, this condition also occurs in the afternoon until the evening. What really happened? Head of Data and Information BMKG Juanda Surabaya Teguh Tri Susanto said there was indeed a cloud cover that caused the earth's radiation to be re-emitted to earth. "The maximum temperature in our place is around 35 degrees Celsius. In fact, if you say it's really hot bef...
Bisnis.com, SURABAYA - Property developer Pakuwon Group is confident in facing the 2020 economy with optimism and hopes that the new government continues to provide stimulus to the business world. Pakuwon Marketing Director, Sutandi Purnomosidi said that currently the business world is indeed awaiting pro-business policies from the new government, so that some are waiting and seeing, but others continue to step on the gas. "But we are sure our economy will be excited again, the growth is...
Ray White celebrated the "2nd Triannual Ray White Awards 2019", on October 4, 2019 at Ayana Mid Plaza, Ballroom located on Jalan Jendral Sudirman - Jakarta. The award ceremony was attended by around 350 participants, consisting of Principals, Marketing and Administrators from Ray White offices throughout Indonesia. The awarding ceremony from various categories of sales achievement from May to August 2019 was opened with Opening Speech from Mr. Johann Boyke Nurtanio as CEO of Ray...