Location becomes one of the important factors when deciding to buy a house of choice. For example, we can choose a location on the outskirts of the city that is very potential for growth. This is because it is supported by the many infrastructure projects that will later make the area more accessible. Other options include an area that is ripe, well-equipped, and has easy accessibility. Generally locations like this property prices are also quite high. It can also be u...
The call to implement social distancing (keeping distance with others) by implementing work from home (Work From Home) and avoiding being outside the home related to the spread of Corona Virus does not reduce the quality of work for PT. Menara Manna Mulia & Ray White Bukit Darmo Golf. The application of WFH Ray White Bukit Darmo Golf office starting from March 26 to 30, 2020 continues to carry out work activities as usual, starting from attendance attendance, activity report...
In order to support the government's role in hampering the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ray White Bukit Darmo Golf Surabaya office is cleaning the office and spraying disinfectants. Starting from floors 1, 2 and 3, furniture, door handles, chairs, work equipment, until the bathroom everything is done spraying disinfectant. Spraying that is carried out thoroughly is aimed at preventive measures against the outbreak of covid-19 in Surabaya. W...
The sad news came from the family of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The mother of Mr. Jokowi, Ms. Sudjiatmi, passed away. "Grief news. Innalillahi wa innaillaihi rojiun. Eyang Notomiharjo, Mr. Jokowi's mother passed away in Solo at 16:45 WIB," said a news delivered by Deputy Minister of the Village Development and Disadvantaged Regions Budi Arie Setiadi told AFP on Wednesday (3/25/2020) ). He asked the prayers of all parties for the deceased Husnul Khatimah.