The end of 2019 property sector has shown an increasing trend in almost all sectors. This situation has been a breath of fresh air for all stakeholders since the property sector weakened in 2014.
According to Bank BTN Chief Economist Winang Budoyo, Bank Indonesia (BI) policy which issued relaxation to increase lending is one of the momentum to increase the property business. In fact, there is a positive relationship between bank lending to the property sector and economic growth, especially in the real estate sector.
The relaxation issued by BI will eventually also be appropriate and in line with the cycle in the bank's business and it will continue to drive the upward economic trend. Later when the economy is sufficiently expansive, BI will again reduce the degree of risk and banks will also be more conservative in lending, which is roughly the business cycle.
"But entering the month of March 2020, the presence of the Covid-19 outbreak that has halted the business situation so that the market automatically waits and sees more. So far all parties are still feeling what the impact of this outbreak will be because the calculations and analysis are indeed different from the constraints due to economic factors and for the time being we hope that this outbreak can be overcome soon, "he explained.
Data and looking at market behavior, property trends tend to fall more than expected. But all that does not make us lethargic to work tablets. With situations like this, still have to be able to give the best ya. Starting from marketing through digital marketing, surveys with certain procedures and weekly meetings via online.