A house with subsidies is a place to live that is not taxed and has a low interest rate that is intended for low-income people (MBR) so that they can have a habitable place to live.
As for now, MBR is very easy to find information on subsidized housing. This is because the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has provided an online facility for checking information about subsidized houses, their location, prices, developers, and purchase transactions.
There are three online tools available to access subsidized housing.
1. Website SiKumbang "sikumbang.ppdpp.id"
This is the official website for data collection on subsidized housing or not, along with location information and developer identity. On this website, information that can be obtained through this website is the location of subsidized houses that are still available, the address, the developer name and contact number, as well as a digital housing map.
As for prospective buyers of subsidized houses, in the first stage they can choose the location of the intended house based on the province, sub-district and district / city.
SiKumbang will attach the address and contact of the marketing office for each house that is coveted.
2. Website rumahsubsidi.pu.go.id
is the official website of the Ministry of PUPR which provides information on the availability of subsidized housing in all provinces of Indonesia. Prospective buyers only need to enter the subsidized housing data category they want to look for, especially the location of the province and district / city, in the available column
3. Sikasep application
The Sikasep application must first be downloaded on the Playstore. Sikasep provides the most complete information and services for prospective buyers of subsidized housing.
In this application, prospective buyers can not only access complete information about subsidized houses that are still available, but also other facilities related to applying for subsidized housing loans (KPR).
President Director of the Center for Housing Financing Fund Management (PPDPP) Arief Sabaruddin said people who are looking for subsidized housing need to register in Sikasep first.
Prospective buyers are also advised to contact banks so that submission of subsidized housing can be followed up more quickly.
Find more options for the property you are looking for at www.rwbdg.com and www.marketingproperti.com